Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pescadero Road Race

The Pescadero Road Race is one of the highlights on the Northern California Calendar. I've always felt that this is a good course for me but I've always come up far short of expectations.

This race started out very slowly, there were two teams well represented; Synergy with about 8 riders and Wells Fargo with about 4. I was determined to stay out of the wind as much as possible on this one. The climbs up Old Stage Rd went w/o issue, I had no trouble moving up near the end of each of the climbs to ensure good position on the descent. I came down both descents in about 6th wheel, safely ahead of any issues.

On the first trip down 84 the pace was pianissmo !, I didn't really care for it as the field was spread wide across the road, but hey stay out of the wind and near the front and so I did. The short climb up the feed zone after turning off 84 has given me trouble in the past, I don't know why but it just does. This time I was set for it and grunted up it with out too much trouble as the pace picked up as riders got nervous before haskins.

I came into the bottom of Haskins about 1/2 back in the field and paid for it a bit as I had to dodge around the various missed gear shits and riders that suddenly just stop !. The pace didn't seem to bad up and I came to the top in the lead group. Six of us, 2 synergy, 2 wells, 1 webcor and I got clear on the the descent. I thought hey this is a good group, but this is a cat 4 RR so don't get to excited. Webcor and 1 of the wells fargo guys thought so also and drive the pace. Neither seem to want or let others pull through, i was holding back on the end just waiting, looking back before I committed any energy. Webcor was very animated up front but the organization wasn't any good, and sure enough another group joined and than the pace just shutdown, soo enough we are all back together with whats left of the field, around 50 or so.

Back through Pescadero and the pace starts to pick up as someone up ahead goes for the sprint. Just past the sprint point I'm a little surprised to find myself at the back of the field, and I start seeing some gaps opening up ahead not good ! I quickly work my way up to the front, time to pay attention and stay up here. The field is single file at the start of Old Stage climb, cool finally we are racing and some guys are complaining :-). I take turns grabbing the wheel of whatever rider wants to lead and we put a good pace in up the first climb, down the descent in 5th wheel than back up and down. Soon after we get on 84 Synergy guys go to the front and start working, cool ! I tuck in at 8th wheel and they string the field out single file almost all the way down 84 to the turn off. Nicely done, not sure what their strategy was but the pull was well executed with most of the work being done by one big guy.

The field starts to spread out before the turn off and I figure its better to be in good position here and take a little wind than get boxed in. So I go to the front and 1/2 tuck in behind the last Synergy guy, up through the feed and I'm in 5th wheel at the start of the final climb. A larger spine guy gets a break on the first 180, I'm being conservative and just focusing on keeping a good rhythm. 1/2 way up the climb the spine rider is brought back and the lead group is down to 12 of us. There's an oncoming car a few passing motorcycles and suddenly the group is stretching out and i'm on the back! I keep it going looking for my pace, if i go over redline here I'll blow before the finish. I'm looking for the final turn and focusing on bringing back the few riders not far ahead, I start sprinting at the last turn to catch one and come a few lengths short of two more.

Looking back on it I should have gone sooner with a final sprint as it would have got me into the top ten, i'm stronger than I'm letting myself believe! As it was I finished 11th so I'm all right with that, but 10th would have been so much better.



MemeandPapou said...

Hey, Mark, Eleventh place sounds pretty good to me. When you retire you can write for a bike magazine. Do you recall Rick Pezzoli? He had a condo at timberrun. He is a mountain biker and has been to Fruitta. He has maps of the area which might be of interest. Mom

June 16, 2008 at 3:19 PM