Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A very fine/hard ride

This past weekend I joined and excellently hard ride put on by the local teamsters of cycling DFL. A seriously great bunch of folks I figured this ride would attract some fast riders and good many cyclocrossers. At the Java Hut start there was around 30 riders and Dennis the organizers passed out the ride card. 100 miles w/ stops for food and water and some tough climbs, Wilson Hill, Marshall Wall, and up Farfax-Bolinas from Stinson at mile 82. Ouch !

All was cordial out of Fairfax over Whites Hill until the right turn at Nicasio, where the fireworks always start. Onto the lead group and into some fast pacelining out past the reservoir, right up Hick Mt Ridge climb where two riders + Rachael Lloyd powered away. A stop at the Cheese Factory, more cordial riding out to Bodega Ave back along roads with names I forget until more attacks up Wilson Hill than up Marshall to lunch, thankfully at Marshall.

From Marshall we all road back to Pt Reyes, where I indulged in some BBQ ribs, yes they were awesome, than back on the bike to Olema, where soda and cookies waited before the climb up Fairfax-Bolinas than down than up than finally back to the car.

An excellent BBQ in Fairfax awaited, stories, cross racing friends and families, food and cake !

A most excellent day. Thanks Dennis and to all who joined !