Saturday, September 29, 2007

Loquat @ Rickshaw

I finally caught this local SF band Loquat last night w/ some friends at the Rickshaw Stop. An excellent show in an intimate venue. Check them out.


MemeandPapou said...

Sounded like a super nice weekend despite the tire problem. Your Dad and I want to contribute to the new wheel for your birthday. How can we do that? Mom

October 1, 2007 at 3:42 PM
MemeandPapou said...

Mark, I am getting your Dad out on a bike but the Fall leaves are bothering his lungs. We had a beautiful ride out on Seedhouse rd. near Clark. The color is the best it has been in 4 years.I found an article about cyclocross racing here in Steamboat. It took place at Howelsen Hill. The sport is gaining traction among the bike community the article says. I'll send it to you. I have subbed 6 days in different areas like ESL and special needs as well as grades 3 and 2. I am enjoying the challenges . Love,Mom

October 11, 2007 at 7:01 PM